We invite you to be part of a Sunday story in two parts, with and about flowers. The lectures, Irina Neacșu and Andreea Baniță, will guide you through the andventure of exploring the season botanical universe. The series of two novel workshops have as main subject your own floral arrangement – form it and painting it. In three words – Summer Botanical Study – is suited for nature, color and beauty amateures, for flower lovers and for all who want to experience oil painting techiques.
Price 130 euro / 600 ron
10.00-13.00 – flower aragement guided by Andreea Baniță
13.00-13.30 – lunch
13.30-16.00 – oil painting for your own floral arragement, guided by Irina Neacșu
Our workshops and courses focus on the study and research of natural subjects through various disciplines, such as botanical art and flower design, landscape design, cyanotype, linocut, ink and textile dye. In forms of short workshops, distance learning, summer schools, art retreats and long term courses, our tutors aim to investigate creative explorations and authentic approaches of urban and wild nature.